Ressource efficiency

The earth´s resources are not inexhaustible. Therefore, it requires careful consideration of the impact of industry that on one hand electroplates components to multiply service lifetime, and on the other hand tries to minimise unnecessary consumption of natural resources.

Galvanic processes consume a relatively large amount of water and energy, and these resources constitute significant environmental parameters. Therefore, cost reductions and efficiency improvements in these areas have a high priority at Midtjydsk Fornikling & Forchromning A/S, which during recent years has achieved highly positive results.

Carefully planned process control ensures that the increased life gain by using an effective surface treatment is not obtained at the expense of the environment. This fact is demonstrated in the company´s two annual accounts; the financial accounts and the environmental accounts.

Midtjydsk Fornikling & Forchromning A/S • Hvidelvej 7 • 7400 Herning • Tlf. +45 96 26 64